Thursday, July 30, 2009

Blessings from Heaven

I am sure all of us have seen a photo like this at one time or another. Each person looking closer to see if they can tell exactly what it is. Usually being dumbfounded until the mother points out the tiny head, the little thumb in the mouth, slender body, and small feet that just moments before were all a blur. For those of us who have been there, we know how precious this fuzzy image really is. With this picture you finally get confirmation of the life that is developing inside your womb. My baby sister sent me this image yesterday on my cell after her ultrasound. It brought tears to my eyes. You see last year, April 16th 2008, she gave birth to her second child that was stillborn. No one could understand it, but we had to say goodbye to our beautiful angel, Baby Jocelynn Anne-Marie. I admired my sister and brother-n-law for their strength and how they held on to their faith at such a devastating time in their lives. So when my sister informed me that she was expecting again just a few short weeks ago, I was ecstatic at the news. I thank God for blessing my sister with another child, I pray that he will continue to watch over her and keep his hand on this miracle from Heaven.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

In need of motivation ASAP

Today marks the continuance of one BEAUTIFUL DISASTER, aka MY LIFE. We have been in constant renovations with our house for over a year now, and I am so ready for the chaos to be over with. It seems like once we get one thing fixed, something else decides to kick the bucket. For example, we almost finished remodeling the master bathroom before I went on vacation with the kiddos. I had just put on the finishing touches to the wall color, turned on the sink to begin cleaning up when it started to leak. The toilet refused to flush, the new shower enclosure did not fit, and it only gets worse from there. With so little rain the past few months, our foundation has begun to shift, and all freshly textured and painted walls are no more. It's beginning to look like a hopeless situation, and I'm having a hard time getting excited about picking up a paintbrush anytime soon.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

My Monkey Boy

My son Hunter, I can not put into words how much joy this child brings to my heart. He has been the most precious inspiration since he was brought into my world at 8 months old. I often refer to him as my son from the heart, not by birth because he was part of the package when I met my husband. I tease my hubby that I fell in love with Hunter before I fell in love with him, he was just that cute. Tonight as my lil man unloads the dishwasher and asks me if he can help me with dinner, I wonder what my life would be without him. I still can't imagine it, he is one of the greatest gifts I've ever been given. I can only hope that he feels the same way about me.

Friday, July 24, 2009

"Thou wilt show me the path of life: in thy presence is fullness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for ever more." -Psalm 16:11

Everyday that I live I am reminded that my life is nothing without the Lord...Everything I need is in him...

Thursday, July 23, 2009


Waking up this morning was a chore, but it was nice getting to sleep in a lil with my hubby there beside me. Being out of town for two wks without my best friend has helped me to appreciate every moment I have with him. I used to believe that if we weren't going out someplace special or doing something to get our adrenaline pumping, then we were just doomed for BOREDOM. The longer we're together though, I find myself desiring just a SLOW DAY AT THE CASA. No interruptions, he and I, the kiddos, enjoying the more simple things in life. As we ate lunch together, I couldn't help but smile as our youngest daughter climbed up beside her Daddy, proceeded to mimic his every move as they finished their sandwich in unison. These are the moments I cherish more and more everyday.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

God must have a sense of humor...

As I listen to my three amazing children playing in the background, I think to myself God must have a sense of humor. If someone had told me 8 yrs ago that I would be the mother of 3 and married to an outspoken redneck, I would have let them know they had fallen of their rocker. Children were never something I saw in my future, EVER. I never was the teenage girl babysitting for extra money, except once on a rare occasion. The joke was that I would never survive outside of my parents house unless I had a rich husband and a chauffeur. Boy did I prove them wrong. Right now, I'm multitasking like a pro. Typing on my new blog, handing out JELLO cups to my girls, and trying to get caught up on the endless abundance of housework. So thanx God for having a chuckle at my expense, I can't imagine my life any other way ;)